
International gathering explores education-focused Arab philanthropy

St. Louis, 30 May 2013 – St. Louis became the meeting place for all concerned with education matters, as thousands came to attend the 65th NAFSA annual conference, May 27 - 31. After an opening speech by former UN secretary-General Koffi Annan, the conference heard from experts in fields related to international education from all over the world.

As a guest speaker at the 2013 annual NAFSA conference, Salah Khalil, founding trustee of the Alexandria Trust, spoke of a new model of philanthropy focused on education that is emerging in the Arab world, through which young business leaders are seeking to leverage their wealth for transformative social benefit. A lively Q&A session ensued.

The NAFSA annual conference brings together more than 8,000 professionals in the field of international education for five packed days of training workshops, educational sessions, networking opportunities, and special events. The conference theme for 2013 is ‘Ideals and Impact in International Education’.